Daring to Dream...

Just a girl who is willing to question the norm

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

It Can Wait...

Ok, I admit it, I have a problem. I am a PROCRASTINATOR! There, I said it! And the sad part is that this problem isn't just in one area of my life; it has a hold on everything I do: cleaning, homework, crafts/projects, etc. For example, I have a dishwasher full of clean dishes just WAITING for me to unload and put away, a kitchen counter also full of clean dishes that have been "drying" for almost three days now, clean laundry sitting in the living room that has been calling my name but I refuse to listen, a VERY dirty bathroom sink that I am hoping my roommate will clean (Megan, if you are reading this, you know that I am only half joking!) and loads of homework that I try to ignore! Now I know that I am not the only one out there who has labeled themselves a procrastinator. In fact, I do believe that it is not entirely my fault that I put things off...I have come to the conclusion that it is part of my genetic make up. It isn't so apparent when you look at my mom and dad, but when you examine my siblings, it all becomes a little clearer! No offense to my brother and sister (in-law, but I never call her that), but they have a tendency to put things off as well. There are times when I will call up my brother and he will congratulate me for not writing a paper until the morning it is due. It's his way of saying "Good job sis, you are following in my footsteps!" Sometimes I think I should fight the problem and stop procrastinating, but then I tell myself "I can take care of that later..."

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Home Sweet Home

My roommate and I sharing our first picture together in our new apartment.

One week ago I moved into my very first apartment and I absolutely LOVE IT! I am sure that most of you reading this have already passed this stage in life, but I'm guessing that you can still relate to the excitement I am feeling. There is something quite liberating about having a place of your own; a place where you decide what shower curtain you want in the bathroom, a place where you stock the fridge with loads of healthy (and not so healthy) foods of your choice, and a place you can come to at the end of a busy day and breathe a sigh of relief knowing that you are HOME. No, the added responsibility of paying rent, calling the cable company, and running the dishwasher aren't always pleasant, yet they are all reminders that I am a capable, mature woman who is able to make it on her own!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Here It Goes!

Well, here it is, my first official blog! I must say that I have been an avid reader of various blogs for quite some time, but until now, have never ventured to start one myself. However, after much encouragement from my sister, I find myself here, on the verge of expressing my innermost thoughts, desires, and dreams. I was reluctant at first because I figured that I didn't have anything important or interesting to say, but I soon realized that the words of my heart are indeed valuable and worthwhile. There is no theme to my blog; it is simply an expression of who I am and who I want to become. I am sure there will be many thrilling (and not so thrilling) posts in the future, and I look forward to sharing a piece of my life with all of you.